Thursday, August 7, 2014

Finding Myself

I've been contemplating doing this post for a while.  It may be a bit lengthy, but bear with me...

Over the past 6-8 months, I've been trying to "find myself."  I remember when I interviewed (almost 3 years ago now), the question came up, "What do you do for fun?"  My answer consisted of well in high school, I danced.  In college and grad school, my focus was school and being an RA for 2 years.  I had danced there for a semester and tried ultimate Frisbee for a year.  In grad school, weekly yoga classes with my sister, Amy, became a regular thing.  I found myself asking the same question to an interviewee last fall.  He gave me the "my focus has been on school."  I thought that that was a perfectly acceptable answer just like when I gave it two years ago.  What would my answer be now?  Last year, it was planning a wedding and working on our new house.  After the wedding, things really calmed down.  The house was (and still is) a work in progress.  What was I going to do for fun and for me?  I had to figure it out...  With Tony working second shift, I had to find things that I could do just for me.

Step 1: Join the Gym (lifestyle change)

Okay so I did the very cliché thing of joining the gym after the new year.  However, this was something that I had been thinking about, but "didn't have the time."  My co-worker teaches an amazing Zumba class and that was my main reason for joining.  He had been asking me for several months if I wanted to do it.  The wedding (and work) was always my excuse.  I didn't have a reason to say no.  Plus, my company provides the perk that if you go to the gym 80 times in a year, they'll reimburse you for 75% of your gym membership.  This definitely made it a no brainer!  I am so glad I said yes!  After 7 months, I attend 2 classes a week as long as I am in town.  Zumba gives me my dance fix.  Even though it was cliché, I have stuck with it and love it!

Step 2: Find a dance class (emotional and lifestyle change)

This was a short lived experience.  I found a local studio that had an adult ballet class on Fridays after work.  I loved it!  I was getting my flexibility back and was planning on re-starting Pointe.  Unfortunately, they didn't have the numbers so after May, they cancelled the class.  I am hoping someone else will start an adult class or that the gym will start a barre class.

Step 3: Read more (emotional change)

Sitting and watching TV isn't healthy.  I wanted to read more.  I'm between books right now so this is currently lagging in my life.  Perhaps tonight, I'll start my next book. 

Step 4: C25K (emotional and lifestyle change)

A good number of my friends run and are super athletic.  I HATE running.  I tried it before and couldn't stand it.  My friend, Phil, started the C25K program this summer.  Taking inspiration from him, I started this 5 weeks ago.  It wasn't bad starting out.  I'd listen to a podcast and the 30 minutes would pass quickly.  Week 4 was rough.  The last 5 minute burst was painful.  Looking back, I was so focused on my body and how much longer I had.  When I did Week 5 Day 1, I was fine.  I focused on the podcast and that was it.  For me, running is more of a mental challenge than a physical one.  Running is teaching me to focus on one thing and not multi-task.  This is something I need!

Step 5: Eat better (lifestyle change)

I know a number of people who fast, do juice cleanses, and diet (paleo, gluten free, sugar free, etc.).  I've tried them and it's just not for me.  I've been pretty good since starting the C25K program.  Here's what I am trying to stick to:

- one pop per week
- one sweet per day
- less pasta (mac & cheese is a weakness for me!)
- more water

It is going fairly well.  I slip up every once in a while but I am eating better than I was.

Step 6: Fulfill life goals (emotional and career)

In college, some people said you need to take the FE others said for mechanical, you don't need it.  I didn't take the FE in college.  I now regret that choice.  I don't technically "NEED" my PE but it is now something I want.  So to get to the PE, I have to take the FE.  I bought the books to study and the goal is to take the FE exam in January at the latest.

Mom and Dad, if you are reading, stop here...

I told you to stop reading...

Okay, if you insist...

Tony had been talking about getting a motorcycle for about 5 years.  Last year, he finally did it and loves it.  It would be great to join him and tour the lovely lakes and parks around us.  I have been wavering back and forth about getting my motorcycle license.  I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or it would stress me out.  There's only one way to find out.  Try it!  I'm planning on getting my permit (tomorrow?) and then taking the motorcycle safety class (this month?).  If I like it, I'll figure out what to do from there.  If I don't, I can say I tried it and will have no regrets moving forward.

That's where I am with life now... I feel I know things will change but I  need to stop focusing on the what-ifs and focus on the now...

What kind of things do you do for you? 

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