Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Monthly To Do List - Download!

One of the things that I struggle with is remembering to do the things the only occur on a monthly basis or less frequently. Washing towels (every week) and sheets (every other week) are regular things but some of the other stuff, I forget when I did it last. 

Some of these things include a heart-worm pill for Gizmo to changing our tooth brushes to the water filter in the refrigerator. There are also things to check for safety reasons. I created this checklist that I keep in my planner. At the beginning of the month, I check to see what needs to be done. 

Here are the things that I have included along with the frequency that I am using. 

Heart-worm pill for Gizmo - every month 
Rid-X in the septic tank - every month 
Check Fire Extinguishers - every month 
Wash Comforter - 2 months 
New Tooth Brushes - 3 months 
Clean lint trap (scrub) - every 3 months 
New Mascara - every 6 months 
Check expiration dates on medication - every 6 months 
Changing out the filter in the refrigerator - every 6 months 
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors - every 6 month

I've included the sheet so you can personalize it and adjust the frequency on your personalized sheet! 

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