Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tune Noodle Casserole

With it being the middle of Lent, Tony made a meat free meal last Friday.  This is one of our favorites and a go to when it isn't lent.  I grew up with Tuna Noodle Casserole as a staple that we had at least once a month.  Here's the recipe.

Makes: 6-8 Servings
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Bake Time: 20 minutes

Tuna Noodle Casserole

2/3 box of Rotini
1 can of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup (or Cream of Celery to make it Lent friendly)
1 large can of Tuna
1/2 can of milk (fill one of the soup cans half way)

1. Pre-heat oven to 375 F.
2. Cook Rotini until al dente.  Drain water.
3. In a casserole dish, mix rotini, soups, tuna, and milk.
4. Bake until warmed through, ~20 minutes.
5. Top with a garnish, if you wish. (I top mine with Ruffles potato chips and Tony tops his with cheese.)


Monday, March 24, 2014

Password Tracker - Download!

When Tony and I bought a house and combined finances, I started to think about what would happen if something happened to either one of us. What would happen if I was in an accident and he needed to get into my medical files online or he had to pay a bill that I always took care of? Would he know if we had an online account? Would he know the password? What if something happened to him and I had to take care of his car payment? Where do I go online... What is his log in information... His password... I had no clue. 

I decided to create a Password Tracker Binder. This binder allows us to keep track of all of our passwords from my Amazon log-in to our wedding registries to our online account with the Water Board. The sheets have a place for the website, username, password, the e-mail linked to it, and any notes.  I have alphabet dividers in the binder to keep it organized by the website.  

Password Tracker Sheet

I do recommend keeping this in a very safe place! There's a lot of sensitive information stored in this little binder. 

This is great for the two of us but this could also come in handy for loved ones. I know that if something ever happened to my parents, I wouldn't know about all of their accounts. A Password Tracker Binder or Accounts Binder would be a good place to start even if it were a year or two outdated. 


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chocolate Ice Cream

If you haven't noticed already, I really enjoy making ice cream.  This stems back to when Amy and I were younger and we would have a bedtime snack with my dad.  99% of the time it was ice cream and still to this day, ice cream is my go to dessert.  Here's a quick and easy chocolate ice cream recipe.

Makes: 2 quarts
Prep and Cook Time: 3 hours

Chocolate Ice Cream

1-1/2 cup milk 
2 cups heavy cream 
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 
1 cup granulated sugar 
1 tsp vanilla extract 

1. Whisk together milk, cocoa powder, and sugar to combine. The sugar and cocoa should close to completely dissolved. Stir in heavy cream and vanilla extract. At this point, it should look like chocolate pudding.

2. Refrigerate the chocolate ice cream base for at least 30 minutes  so it is completely cold. This will help it freeze faster, improving the texture, and allow the cocoa powder to become fully hydrated by the milk and cream. 

3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. 

4. Freeze for at least 2 hours and store your remaining ice cream in an air-tight plastic container in the back of the freezer. This will help preserve the flavor and texture of the finished ice cream.  I use Tovolo's Glide-A-Scoop Ice Cream Tub.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Monthly To Do List - Download!

One of the things that I struggle with is remembering to do the things the only occur on a monthly basis or less frequently. Washing towels (every week) and sheets (every other week) are regular things but some of the other stuff, I forget when I did it last. 

Some of these things include a heart-worm pill for Gizmo to changing our tooth brushes to the water filter in the refrigerator. There are also things to check for safety reasons. I created this checklist that I keep in my planner. At the beginning of the month, I check to see what needs to be done. 

Here are the things that I have included along with the frequency that I am using. 

Heart-worm pill for Gizmo - every month 
Rid-X in the septic tank - every month 
Check Fire Extinguishers - every month 
Wash Comforter - 2 months 
New Tooth Brushes - 3 months 
Clean lint trap (scrub) - every 3 months 
New Mascara - every 6 months 
Check expiration dates on medication - every 6 months 
Changing out the filter in the refrigerator - every 6 months 
Check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors - every 6 month

I've included the sheet so you can personalize it and adjust the frequency on your personalized sheet! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Apple Pancake

This was a quiet weekend for us since I was recovering from a cold.  I wanted to do something different for breakfast on Sunday morning.  I remembered Shelley posting an Apple Pancake recipe on her blog, The Experience of Eating and decided to give it a try.  I'm happy with how it turned out.

(by Love & Lemons via The Experience of Eating)
Makes: ~4 servings
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Bake Time: 20 minutes

Apple Pancake 

2 Tbsp. butter
3 Apples, peeled, cored, and sliced thin (I used Jonagold apples)
1/4 C brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
3 large eggs
1/2 C milk
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
Powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
2. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon.
3. Whisk together eggs and milk. Then mix together flour and baking powder and stir it into the egg/milk mixture.
4. In a frying pan, melt the butter and add the apple slices and 1 Tbsp. of the cinnamon and brown sugar mixture.  Cook, stirring until soft, about 5-7 minutes.
5. Transfer apple mixture to a casserole dish.  Pour the batter over the apples and sprinkle the remaining brown sugar mixture evenly on top.  *Shelley used a cast iron skillet instead of a frying pan and casserole dish. This will decrease the amount clean up required.
6. Bake until it puffs, around 18-20 minutes.
7. Dust with powdered sugar before serving.
8. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Montly Budget - Download!

When I was still in school, I kept a "budget" my initial budget was really just a tally of what I spent and on what. For this is used a basic spreadsheet that was broken up into groceries, eating out, gas, clothes, and miscellaneous. Once I graduated, I started a pseudo-budget where I estimated what I was going to spend and then once or twice a month, I'd update to see how I was doing. This was the first iteration of our budget file. 

When Tony and I bought our house, it was time to combine finances. For us, it was easier to take the money out of one account rather than figure out who would pay what when. (I know the "combine or not to combine finances" is a debate in its self. I am just saying what worked for us.) 

Here's our budget template. There's one sheet for every month along with a summary sheet that Tony pulled together. 

Here's a breakdown of what's on each month's page.

Income - It's set-up for two incomes

Total Cost - Summed from the info below

Household expenses - Mortgage, Taxes, and Utilities

Vehicle Expenses - Set-up for two car payments

Entertainment Expenses - Everything from Redbox movies to live entertainment

Food Expenses - Groceries to Work Lunches and Dining out

Personal Expenses - Cash for us to Personal Care Expenses

Vacation Expenses- Our expenses plus our puppy's costs

We're getting closer to using it as a real budget.  We look at it at the end of the month to see where we can cut back.  It's a work in progress but we're getting there.  If the file doesn't download properly, leave your e-mail here and I'll send you the excel file.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How To: Clean A "Clean" Lint Trap

Have you read that you need to clean your lint trap with soap and water?  Do you?  The lint trap is a screen for a reason. If water doesn't pass freely through it, it's not a screen. Even though it looks clean, it may not be.  Our lint trap looked clean but, when water was poured on it, it didn't all strain through and pooled on the top.

Lint Trap: Before Cleaning

It's recommended to clean the trap every 6-8 weeks.  I try to do ours every 3 months.  To clean it, you will need:

- Dish soap 
- Old toothbrush or nylon scrubbing brush 

To Clean the Lint Trap: 

1. Remove any loose lint from the lint trap. I find that my vacuum with attachments works best. 
2. Fill a sink with hot water and add a good amount of soap and agitate the water to mix. 
3. Place the lint trap into the hot water and allow it to soak. 
4. Use the scrubbing brush to remove the loosened residue. 
5. Rinse to check how much of the residue remains. 
6. Continue soaking and scrubbing until the film is removed. (For me, it's usually good after two scrubs.)
7. Rinse completely with clean water. 
8. Dry the screen carefully and allow it to air dry completely before placing it back into the dryer.

Lint Trap: After cleaning
Happy cleaning!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hamburger Pie

So one of my all time favorite recipes is Hamburger Pie. It is super easy and it's one of my go to winter comfort foods. It's a recipe that I make about once a month. It's a great meal to make for dinner then take to lunch for the next day or two since it reheats well.

Makes: ~8 servings
Prep Time: 50 minutes *You can dramatically decrease the prep time if you buy the mashed potatoes.  
Cook Time: 30 minutes

Hamburger Pie
1 lb ground beef (or turkey)
1 onion
1 can of tomato soup
1 can green beans, drained (or mixed veggies)
4 cups mashed potatoes
Velveeta cheese

1. Boil water for your potatoes.  Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks.  Add to boiling water.  Boil until tender.
2. While the potatoes are boiling, chop the onion.  Brown the ground beef and onion.  Drain fat.  Place ground beef and onion into casserole.  

3. Add tomato soup and green beans.  Mix together.


4. At this point, your potatoes should be about done.  Drain the water and mash your potatoes.  You can add butter, sour cream, milk, or whatever else you like.  I'm simple and do butter and milk.
5. Top casserole with mashed potatoes.  (I top mine with ~4 cups but you can do more or less.)

6. Bake casserole at 325F until the peaks of the potatoes begin to brown, about 20 minutes.  Top with slices of Velveeta cheese.

7. Continue to bake until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.

8. Let cool and Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream

I wanted to try something different when I made my next batch of ice cream and decided to combine two recipes: Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt. It didn't turn out how I wanted it to look but it was just as tasty as I had hoped. Here's what I did.

Makes: 2.5 quarts
Prep and Cook Time: 5 hours

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
2 cups 2% milk 
2 cups heavy cream 
1 cup sugar 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
1 cup Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt

1. Prepare Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt and save 1 cup from freezer.  Place Cookie Dough mixture on a wax paper lined cookie sheet.  Freeze for at least 2 hours the cut into chunks.

Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt

2. In a large bowl, stir together the milk, cream, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract until the sugar has dissolved.  
3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker, and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. 

*If you are using a KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment, after about 12-15 minutes into the freezing, add the chocolate chips and chunks of the cookie dough mixture. After the ice cream has thickened, about 20-30 minutes total time, spoon into a container, and freeze for at least 2 hours.

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