Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Laundry Closet Redo

Tony and I recently re-did our bathroom and laundry room.  The original laundry room was dark brown, poorly painted and just gloomy.  Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of the laundry closet before but it was the same dark brown as shown in the picture below.  I wanted something bright and cheery.  We wanted to make the laundry room as functional as possible with the little space we had.  

Before color

After spending a lot of time on Pinterest looking at my options, here's what I came up with.  The cabinet holds everything from detergent and stain remover to garment bags.  We even have room to spare.  The rod is for hanging clothes when they are still warm so they don't wrinkle.  The custom made counter is perfect for laying items flat to dry.

Completed Laundry Closet

The biggest dilemma we had was the counter-top.  We had a 31" by 32" space to fill so we decided we would have to build something. We looked at plywood but it wasn't going to be thick enough and it would look like plywood.  We wanted something that would look like a kitchen counter-top.  Tony came up with the idea of using a door.  We found and interior door that was 32" wide that we could cut to length.  After measuring twice and cutting once, we did a dry fit.  Cut number one was a perfect fit.  All that was left was to paint it a glossy black.

Creating the custom counter-top

Completed counter-top
Have you redone your laundry room??

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