Tuesday, April 15, 2014

First (Stress Free) Dinner Party

Since Tony and I bought our house, we've had family visit, a few friends over to hang out, and one Christmas Party.  I've wanted to have a dinner party but timing was always an issue.  We looked at the next several weekends and they were booked.  We decided this past weekend was the weekend to do it.  We invited over two other couples.  That was the easy part.  Next, I had to decide on the menu.

Here's what I wanted: 
- something simple and not too different/exotic 
- easy, casserole type meal where it cooks and can't overcook 

Here's where I ended up: 
Cheese, Pepperoni, and Crackers (prepared that morning) 

Main Meal: 
Ceaser Salad 
No Work Chicken with Rice (prepped Friday night, switched to casserole Saturday mid-day, put into oven when guests arrived) 

Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream 
Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream 
Easy Classic Brownies 

All that was left was to set the bar and the table. 

We had a great night and I can't wait to hold another dinner party!

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