Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy 3 Years, Mom!

Earlier this week, my mom asked if I was going to re-post any of the posts from my old blog, especially Goodbye Montefiore, to this blog. I figured it was still on the other blog so I didn't need to. 

Well, yesterday was my mom's 3 year anniversary of her liver transplant which happened on January 8, 2011. When looking back, all the pain and stress that stated December 23, 2010 seems like a distant memory. I guess time does heal. I figured it would be good to post something new. When looking back, I don't focus on all the things that happened during those stressful 2 1/2 weeks but on all of the great things that have happened over the past 3 years. Here's a summary of everything that my mom has gotten to experience over the past three years because the doctors took a chance on her and on our family.

A Family Trip to Aruba

A New Puppy

My master's graduation 

Amy's internship at Movado

A family reunion in Oregon

 My Engagement 

My Wedding

Thank you to everyone who has given us love and support and the much need prayers over the past 3 1/2 years. Here's to many more years and many more memories!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for your tender mercies and blessings and miracles that you have bestowed upon this family and all who love them.


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