Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year New Project

Hello! My name is Jen and I am 25, soon to be 26, year old.  I've been married for just a few months to an amazing man who has loved and supported me for almost seven years.  We have a 7 year-old Shih-Tzu who is spoiled rotten and gets away with everything. I've always toyed with the idea of creating a blog and now I finally have the time.

For us, the past year and a half has been crazy...

I graduated from school with my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.

I got my dream job.

I moved to upstate New York (no, not near NYC).

We got engaged at Penn State where we fell in love!

I traveled to Asia for the first (and second, but not last!) time.

We purchased our first house.

and last but no least....

We got married!

Things have finally started to slow down. At least for now.... 

Please join me as I venture into the world of married life and home ownership. This blog will cover our adventures as we try new recipes, improve our home, and expand our horizons. The past few years have been crazy one and I am excited for the craziness and excitement of the upcoming years. 

I hope you all enjoy!

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