Thursday, January 23, 2014

Step One - Paint

When we purchased the house, the first thing we needed to do was paint!  The ceilings in the kitchen, dining room, and hallway, were blue.... Blue!  Who paints ceilings blue??  I could understand a sky mural in a little kids room but in the majority of the house?!  We went with a traditional white ceiling. 

Poorly painted blue ceilings

The master bedroom was a peach color which wasn't really our cup of tea.  We went with a purplish-grey color to match our black furniture and repainted the ceiling white.  I'm happy with how the color came out but I think Tony would want something more "manly."

Master Bedroom

The room that we designated to be our guest room was initially painted bright purple because it was a little girls room. We went with a light blue to match the bedding and again repainted the ceiling. 

Guest Room

Our office used to be the little boys room and had crayons all over the walls.  It needed a fresh coat on almost all walls.  The one wall was in pretty good shape so we painted the other walls white to create our Penn State room.  It'll do now until we have a house with a finished basement. 


My amazing sister came up to help us paint!  Having an extra set of hands was a huge help.  We still haven't painted the rest of the house but we'll get there... Hopefully soon.

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